Elizabeth Norris


Elizabeth Norris is a queer femme mom who is passionate about social and racial justice and can’t stand bullies.

She has a Gender Studies degree from Humboldt State and worked with the California Coalition for Women Prisoners. She has almost a decade of experience at independent bookstores, most recently at Powell’s Books. She married a Glen Ellen local and they moved down from Portland to start a family together. They are a dedicated union family, are delighted to have their child in the Sonoma Valley public schools (and may be the only two people in Sonoma who don’t drink wine).

Being raised in the United Church of Christ was paradoxically a safe haven for her as a queer teenager. She was the youth representative for her East Bay church’s Open and Affirming process and co-founded her high school’s first Gay Straight Alliance. Growing up loved and supported by her church community while her parents were under the hateful influence of Focus on the Family taught her how religion can be a devastating or empowering force.

She is determined to keep Sonoma Valley a safe and welcoming place for all families, all religions, and all students.